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Troubles with model importer


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The program creates a file called _logfile.txt, each time you run it.

What does it say ?

Are you sure the models put into the import directory were named close.x, medium.x and far.x ? If it's only one model the name's not important.




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also, make sure you have the program RESOURCE HACKER (and all of it's files) in the same folder as the importer.


I missed that the first time ;)


and also, if the importer either has to be one folder up from tactical.dll, or you need to edit the ini file (it explains how in the help page).


I tried to unzip it and go, and had the same result.


So then I read the help file :D

:D:P Droids Rule! Fleshies Drool! :P:D
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Well, it seems that the program does not recognize what is inside import, as the logfile says


01 feb 2004, 11:42:26]



Exe=E:/Archivos de Programa/LucAsarts/Star Wars Rebellion/tactical.dll

SaveAs=E:/Archivos de Programa/LucAsarts/Star Wars Rebellion/tactical.dll




-addoverwrite "import\close.x",301,"2640",1033

Error: "import\close.x" does not exist

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Until The_Mask can figure out a chime or two here, remember that all of his models can be imported into the game using the old way using Resouce Hacker!


Even the newer models where he says a prerequixist is his model importer program, can be imported using the old fashioned method. So don't freak out or loose heart. Whilst the objective of the program is to make life seriously easier than all that fumbling about using resource hacker, which is a process which is a right bloody hassle period, you can always fall back on the option of getting your fingers saw... :)

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Ok, I can work with that description :D

First of all, I assume, that the paths in the .ini file are set correctly as Chimera already pointed out and that you unzipped all the contents from the model importer's zip file into the folder with ResHacker.


I don't know what model you tried to import, but I think it wasn't an .rmd file, so there's a chance, that one of the 3 models has another name than "close.x", maybe it's called normal.x. If you rename that file into close.x it should work. :wink:




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