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Too much


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Guys you have to watch you don't make reb2 a super micromanagement game, you have to keep it simple. Making sure that my crews are well trained or short on personnel while managing four other fleets and twenty worlds is impossible. You need the computer to be able to do all of that on its own. You would then make modifications as you see fit. Also with the scope you guys are going for the game, you should be able to give orders while the game is paused or super, super slow to avoid being overwhelmed.

Sorry if I pissed anybody off by stating that the game with all your ideas would be damn near impossible to play. :?



P.S. For my ideas, I would say that you cut down massively on the travelling time (a 100 days to cross the galaxy cmon... :P ) and allow different timeline (like the Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron books, making the galaxy much smaller and having other objectives...), oh and maybe having space stations, they would add to your defence and allow room to build additional buildings...

I'm just an honest fan
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I completely degree. Micromanagement is a huge no-no. Sounds good on paper, but it doesn't play well. Its sinks many good commercial games because they get to complicated. Basically, you'll be fine early on but the more planets you gain etc., the more you'll get bogged down in dull click-click-clicking. Goto FreeOrion and read through their forum. You'll understand what I'm talking about.


Also, on the subject of FreeOrion, its Open Source and, when released will be easily moddable. Get a team together from here and... who knows, Supremacy (Rebellion) II could be yours!

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freeonion... I mean freeorion ;) might be a possible shortcut, but will it have the character aspect we all love (just look at the thousands of generated character cards here) that is unique to Rebellion?


Ok, ok... yeah Orion2 had like 4-6 charcaters you could keep for each side. But we chaff at just having 30 ;)


Moo2 & Moo1 were fun... pity Moo3 went in totally the wrong direction. (IMHO)

:D:P Droids Rule! Fleshies Drool! :P:D
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Well, they are putting in characters, though its hotly debated. The engine will be highly moddable (from the source up) so you guys can add a card system with little or no bother. Make it a community project. Though i warn you, FreeOrion v1.0 will probably take a few years at least.


But then, an officaila reb2 aint gonna happen...

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