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So I'm playing as Rebels (those scum), and Leia and Han never seem to be able to do a mission without the empire foiling it. So I send Luke with them on a mission, and he discovers that *gasp* HAN AND LEIA ARE TRAITORS. Now, I use Rebed, but I never touched the characters with it. How the hell did they become traitors?
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you did something with rebed !

See again their cards and you will figure out the problem :)



your topic is ok if you think big , like : Are traitors here in our community ? Ho take ideas and develop new SF games; but not Star Wars....did any wane see something like this?!



PS. Excuse my protocol translation droid....problems with basic :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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The answer is simple:


Luke is the traitor.


He became one with the Dark Side.


Who else kills a million people sitting inconcently on a Moon-shaped Space Station.


Lousy Sith-spawn :lol:

:D:P Droids Rule! Fleshies Drool! :P:D
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  • 3 weeks later...

You have grossly underestimated the number of people that luke killed. Even with a population of 32 billion the station would be mostly void of life, making it very vunerable to sabatage. For more check out http://www.theforce.net/swtc




"The duration of the superlaser strike on Alderaan was about 0.21s (although it took slightly more than a second for the weapon to build up energy before the beam was released). Therefore the power of this beam, which needs to exceed the power dissipation rate of any deflector shields of the target, is at least of the order of 1032 W.


In A New Hope the original Death Star was able to generate at least this amount of energy and to replenish it within the few days which transpired between the destruction of Alderaan and the Battle of Yavin. According to The Death Star Technical Companion, the Death Star was capable of generating sufficient energy for a full planetary disruption in a single day. Thus the main reactor was capable of generating energy beyond the station's continual running needs at a base rate of at least 2x1027 Watts.


This power is approximately five times the continuous output of the Sun. It is vastly in excess of any artificial power source known to any other major fictional universe."

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btw ..how many people were on that death star and what is the exact diference betwen the first and the second DS ? :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Thanks calamari... I meant to write "millions" I love theforce.net. The challenge of resolving Star Wars with our knowledge of physics is worth the mental exercise.


and yes... I know it was just a movie made by Mr. Lucas :P Still, food for thought is food for thought regardless of the tree it came from.


I always resolve the bizarre fighter physics (they fly like they're in an atmosphere even in space) by thinking that it is related to hyperdrive/antigravity technology. If there is a way to move into a higher/lower dimension to travel (or defy gravity) then it may also be possible to just lightly tap into that realm enough to act as a rudder. Thus, while you would have improved agility (something to steer with) it would also cause friction so that you have a top speed and you need to have the engines on to maintain your speed.


Just my .02$... And would you stop to pick up .02$ given inflation?


My impression of the DS2 was that it was fully operational (and likely mostly staffed) it just did not have the armor and auxiliary weapons/shields/hangers fully in place.


As for sabotage concerns... You have to get on the Death Star first. That would be the hard part. If you can get on without being detected... then it makes sense you would have plenty of chances to blow stuff up. (Of course, then there's the challenge of getting off the thing....)

:D:P Droids Rule! Fleshies Drool! :P:D
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